5 Reasons Why Container Gardening Is Great For Everyone

5 Reasons Why Container Gardening Is Great For Everyone

So you need a reason to buy more plants, right? Why not do some container gardening this season? Even if you have lots of space for plants in the ground and love to landscape with plants, container gardening is great for everyone. Here are five reasons why we love container gardening:

1. Flexibility with space! You can put containers anywhere! On the porch, alongside the driveway or a garage, on a patio, or squeezed into every little corner of your back yard. Even if you don't have a backyard, you can still put almost any plant or flower into a large container and watch it flourish all season long.

container gardening

2. Flexibility with your time! Container gardening still requires some time to care for your plants, but in general, it takes far less time to look after your plants in containers than it does your plants that are in the ground. You don't have to spend lots of time and effort weeding your flowers but you get all the enjoyment of gardening.

3. Getting creative with your containers! Think outside the pot when it comes to your container gardening. You can place a regular terra cotta pot inside of another fun container like a metal tub or even a large old tea pot to add some charm and whimsy to your garden.

4. Color, color everywhere! Think about all the empty spaces that could use some beautiful color. Placing containers around your yard or patio lets you create incredible landscaping without the actual landscaping.

5. Keep your garden blooming all season long! It's always a little sad when the daylilies alongside our house stop blooming, and I'm always impatient to see the hollyhocks start up after that. When you do container gardening, you can make sure that you always have blooming flowers all season long! When one plant is done, just replace it with another one. 

Ready to do some container gardening this summer? We're fully stocked and open six days a week at the Champlain Peony Company in Essex, N.Y.! Order online any time and pick up during our regular business hours.

Share some of your favorite container gardening tips and ideas with us! We'd love to hear!

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