'MANHATTAN' Peony (Paeonia x lactiflora 'manhattan' P816)
'MANHATTAN' Peony (Paeonia x lactiflora 'manhattan' P816)
Available FALL 2024
A newly named cultivar from Groot & Groot previously described as 'P816 Sister of Top Brass', 'Manhattan' is a show stopper! We have been fortunate enough to be one of the first to offer these exclusive roots to the American home gardener. 'Manhattan' has a fully-double, fairy-pink blossom that flowers late-season. The guard petals are finely and deeply toothed giving an overall impression of ephemeral temperance while the ruffled center provides a more robust tuft of blushing petals. The unique pink hue and spherical flower shape help make this selection a standout amongst other late-season peonies. 'Manhattan' is extremely productive and the plant itself is nice and tall at 38".
Zones 3-8
Bare roots available LATE-FALL. 3/5-eyes.
*Apologies for the poor quality image. We will improve upon this once it blooms in our own trial fields. CPC