'SALMON CHIFFON' Peony (Paeonia lactiflora x 'salmon chiffon')
'SALMON CHIFFON' Peony (Paeonia lactiflora x 'salmon chiffon')
CALLING ALL FANS of salmon-pink peonies! 'Salmon Chiffon' is the one that will make your heart beat faster. Of all the varieties that have this popular color, 'Salmon Chiffon' has by far the largest, most impressive flowers: salmon-pink, beautifully single with excellent substance, fragrant, atop 30-inch stems of excellent strength, and with foliage lighter-green than normal. Older plants tend toward semi-double flowers. Intensely salmon-colored hybrid that has outperformed its early promise. The poised, cup-shaped blooms are very appealing and large. No serious peony garden should be without this new standard. An early-season peony. (Rudolph/Klehm, 1981)
Zones 3-8
Bare roots available LATE-FALL and WINTER. 3/5-eye.
We do NOT ship potted peonies.

This was part of my first order from CPC. All four peonies were, hands down, the biggest and best peonies I have purchased. I will be back for more!