'SEIDL'S SUPER' Peony (Paeonia x lutea 'seidl's super')
'SEIDL'S SUPER' Peony (Paeonia x lutea 'seidl's super')
Introduced in 2015, 'Seidl's Super' has made quite a sensation already! Its clear light-yellow, double blossoms are a full six inches in diameter. It has beautiful, smooth, round buds with functional guard petals that protect the soft inner petals until they open. Each stem carries a main bud and usually one or two side buds. Of particular interest to the cut-flower grower is its productive and generally healthier growth habits compared to many other herbaceous hybrids. ‘Seidl’s Super’ produces a high stem count compared to herbaceous hybrids in general and holds up well as a cut-flower, again out competing other herbaceous hybrids. Mid late-season blooming. Still difficult to find. (Seidl/Simmons, 2015)
Zones 4-8
Bare roots available LATE-FALL and WINTER only. 3/5-eye.
We do NOT ship potted peonies.