'BELLISIMA ROSE' English Daisy (Bellis x perennis 'bellisima rose')
'BELLISIMA ROSE' English Daisy (Bellis x perennis 'bellisima rose')
Grown as a tender biennial, English Daisy is a herbaceous perennial and has rhizomes (however, people in the northern United States grow this plant as annual).
This plant likes sun with afternoon shade, prefers cool temperatures, as well as cool, moist, fertile soil. English Daisy often escapes from the flower garden into lawns, where it is considered a weed. This plant declines with summer heat and is not drought tolerant. This plant's seasons are spring to early summer with sporadic flowering till frost. This plant may be challenging to stop growing if grown in an ideal location. English Daisy likes heavy fertility. This plant reaches a mature height in a maximum of 5 years but can be as short of a time as 2 years. English Daisy is slow to start but then grows rapidly and can become weedy.
Zones 4-8