'MIKADO' Peony (Paeonia x albiflora 'mikado')
'MIKADO' Peony (Paeonia x albiflora 'mikado')
'Mikado' is a late-season, Japanese-style peony with waved and cupped guard petals of dark rosy-crimson. The thick, central staminodes are also dark rose-red but are edged and tipped in yellow making excellent visual contrasts in both color and texture. 'Mikado' is very floriferous, a good performer, and has stiff erect stems with an average height 40 inches. Lightly fragrant. A quintessential Japanese-style. (Japanese origin, 1893). Heirloom.
Zones 3-8
Bare roots available LATE-FALL through VERY EARLY SPRING only. 3/5-eyes.
From American Peony Society: "History: Sent as a part of the Japanese government exhibit on Wooded Island at the Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893, and obtained at the close by Peterson, who named it Mikado. DESCRIPTION IN BRIEF: Japanese, lilac purple, mid season, very good. DESCRIPTION IN DETAIL: Japanese type, guards rounded or notched at apex; staminodes quite remarkable, typically Japanese type flower from, widened at end like a spatula, mostly same color as guards, but the anther remnants fringe the whole upper margin with yellow, prettily crinkled. Carpels green, smooth, small, not transforming; stigmas white. Color lilac purple 4(16o), center yellowish. Size medium. Odor doubtful. Foliage medium in size and color, smooth, wavy margins. A very pretty flower, a heavy bloomer and a good keeper when cut."