'PURPLE KNOCKOUT' Lyre Sage (Salvia x lyrata 'purple knockout')
'PURPLE KNOCKOUT' Lyre Sage (Salvia x lyrata 'purple knockout')
A gorgeous selection of a Salvia native to the eastern USA. Plants are mainly grown for the foliage, which forms a mound of large purple-black leaves that remain attractive for the entire season. Adapts to most light situations but appreciates afternoon shade in hot regions. A terrific edging plant, also beautiful in mixed containers, contrasting especially well against plants with gold leaves. The flowers are white and fairly inconspicuous. This will sometimes self seed and comes true. Reported to be quite drought tolerant.
Zones 5-8

I bought about 10 assorted perennial flower plants at Champlain Peony Company (rhododendron, coreopsis, salvia, and others). They are all thriving! I plan to come purchase more, as I prepare the garden areas. Thank you!