'YELLOW EMPEROR' Itoh Peony (Paeonia x intersectional 'yellow emperor')
'YELLOW EMPEROR' Itoh Peony (Paeonia x intersectional 'yellow emperor')
'Yellow Emperor' emerges from the miraculous efforts of Japanese botanist Dr. Toichi Itoh following the horrors of World War II Japan. Itoh-san was the first to successfully hybridize tree peony species with herbaceous peony species creating an 'intersectional hybrid'. This was a singularly epic feat and thus all subsequent tree/herbaceous hybrids bear the honorific 'Itoh'. Sadly, Itoh-san died in 1956 having never seen a blossom from his chimeric creations. American peony enthusiast Louis Smirnow acquired Dr. Itoh's collection of intersectional peonies from his widow in 1966 and brought them to the United States. Subsequently, numerous hybridizers have successfully created intersectional crosses and tissue culture propagation has allowed commercial-scale reproduction. Itoh peonies are now amongst the most sought-after peonies in the World.
'Yellow Emperor' was created by Itoh-san and subsequently acquired by Smirnow. A medium-tall plant with tree-peony foliage and herbaceous habit, the spectacular, brilliant-yellow blossoms light up the mid-season garden. Each fragrant, semi-double, 5-6 inch, ball-form blossom is composed of notched, butter-yellow petals each with red flares. The overall effect is intoxicating and sophisticated. The center of the fully-blown blossom is filled with a disk of yellow anthers, stamenoids, and stigma. Stunning. (Itoh/Smirnow, 1974). EXTREMELY LIMITED QUANTITY.
Zones 5-9
Bare roots are available in LATE FALL through VERY EARLY SPRING only.
We do not ship potted peonies.